Privacy policy

Zhongshan Genova Furniture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “GENOVA”, “we” and “our”) understands the importance of your private information and respects your privacy.Please read this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) carefully before submitting your personal data to GENOVA.This Policy applies to The GENOVA website and products or applications (collectively referred to as our “Services”) that display or link to this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to GENOVA other services.

This policy sets out how Your data, whether personal or not, will be handled by GENOVA, but may not cover all possible data processing scenarios.Information related to the collection of specific data of products or services may be explained to you in the supplementary policy or in the notice provided by GENOVA when collecting data, including the purpose of collection, scope of collection and use of such information, and you may be provided with a means of voluntary consent to collect and use such information after obtaining your express consent.

GENOVA reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete portions of this Privacy Policy at any time at its sole discretion.You can check this Privacy Policy periodically to see if it has changed.If you do not agree with this Policy or any content in it during reading this Policy, GENOVA may not be able to provide you with relevant services normally or achieve the desired service effect. Therefore, you are advised to immediately stop using the relevant services provided by GENOVA.By continuing to use the services provided by GENOVA, you acknowledge and agree to this Policy.

We have developed this policy to help you understand the following:
Ⅰ. How does GENOVA collect and use your personal data
Ⅱ. How does GENOVA use cookies and similar technologies
Ⅲ. How does GENOVA disclose your personal data
Ⅳ. How to access or modify your personal data
Ⅴ. Protection of minors’ personal information
Ⅵ. How does GENOVA retain and protect your personal data
Ⅶ. Third-party Providers and their services
Ⅷ. how to contact us
Ⅸ. How to update this policy

Ⅰ. How does GENOVA collect and use your personal data?
Personal data refers to information that can identify an individual when used alone or in combination with other information.Such data will be submitted directly to us by you when you use our Websites, products or services and interact with us, such as:
The location information (only applicable to a particular service/function) : you access to web pages, GENOVA branch may read your position related all kinds of information, such as country code, city code, mobile network, community identity, latitude and longitude information and language Settings, this information may be sent us when you use some services.

When We process your personal data, we will comply with the requirements of applicable laws and process it on an appropriate basis of legality, including:
1. Process your personal data for the performance of contracts when responding to your transactions or service requests;
2. Processing your personal data based on your consent;
3. We may also process your personal data based on compliance and enforcement of legal obligations.

Ⅱ. How does GENOVA use cookies and similar technologies
We sometimes store small data files called cookies on our computers or mobile devices to make sure our websites work properly.A Cookie is a plain text file that a web server stores on a computer or mobile device.The contents of a Cookie can only be retrieved or read by the server that created it.Each Cookie is unique to your Web browser or mobile application.Cookies typically contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters.With cookies, websites can store data such as a user’s preferences or items in a shopping basket.
The purpose of Cookie enabling by GENOVA is the same as the purpose of Cookie enabling by most websites or Internet service providers, namely to improve user experience.With cookies, web sites can remember a user’s single visit (using session cookies) or multiple visits (using permanent cookies).With cookies, web sites can save Settings such as computer or mobile device language, font size, and other browsing preferences.This means that users do not need to reconfigure user preferences on each visit.
2. Site beacons and pixel labels
We use web beacons and pixel tags and other similar technologies on the site.For example, an email sent to you by GENOVA may contain a click URL that links to content on the GENOVA website.If you click on this link, GENOVA will track this click to help us understand your product and service preferences and improve customer service.If you do not wish your activities to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from the Mailing list at any time.

Ⅲ. How does GENOVA disclose and share your personal data
Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be shared with data recipients in the categories listed below.In addition, we will only share your information with third parties without your consent, and you will have the option of allowing us to share your information.
1. Affiliated companies of GENOVA.In order to facilitate us to provide services to you, recommend information that you may be interested in, or protect the personal and property safety of GENOVA or other users or the public, your personal information may be shared among GENOVA affiliates.We will only share necessary personal information. If we share your sensitive personal information or our affiliates change the purpose of using and processing personal information, we will seek your authorization again.
2. Authorize partners.We may share your information with trusted authorized partners.We may share your account information, device information and location information with authorized partners to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided to you.However, we will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes and will only share such personal information as is necessary to provide the services.Our partners do not have the right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.Currently, our licensing partners include the following types:
Authorized partners of advertising and analysis services.

Dealers, suppliers, service providers and other partners.Our distributors, suppliers and service providers include institutions providing technical services, telecommunications services, customer services, risk control services, audit services, legal services, financial institutions, e-commerce companies and platforms, offline stores, etc.
We will sign confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal Information and will, in an appropriate manner, require them to handle personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.On the use of sensitive personal data, we require third parties to adopt encryption technology to better protect user data.If found to be in violation of the agreement, effective measures will be taken or even the cooperation will be terminated.
To comply with mandatory requirements of laws and regulations, court orders or requirements of government authorities, to protect public interests, or to protect the personal and property safety or legitimate rights and interests of our customers, GENOVA or GENOVA employees.
Other parties to which your consent is obtained separately.In addition to the sharing described in this Privacy Policy, we may also share your information with third parties when you agree to sharing or request sharing.
3. Information that does not require consent
We may share anonymous information with third parties in the form of sumGENOVAies for commercial purposes;We may share with it general usage trends for our services, such as the number of customers among certain groups of people who buy certain products or engage in certain transactions.
In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we may share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information without your authorization and consent under the following circumstances:
Those related to state security or national defense security;
Those related to public security, public health or major public interests;
Those relating to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
For the protection of your or other personal life, property and other important legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the oneself;
Personal information that you disclose to the public;
Personal information collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.
Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the product or service provided, such as finding and disposing of faults of the product or service.
Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
By law, by sharing and transfer of the processing of personal information, and ensure the data receiver cannot recover and identify personal information main body, does not belong to the foreign share, transfer and disclosure of personal information, the preservation and processing of such data will be without prior notice to you and ask for your consent.
If you do not agree that we provide your personal information to third parties in accordance with the above terms, please immediately stop using our services.

Ⅳ. How to access or modify your personal data?
You should ensure that all personal data submitted is accurate.GENOVA will do its best to maintain the accuracy and completeness of personal data and update such data in a timely manner.Where required by applicable law, you may:
1. Have access to specific personal data we hold about you;
2. Request us to update or correct your inaccurate personal data;
3. Refuse or limit our use of your personal data;
4. Ask us to delete your personal data or cancel your account.
If you want to exercise your rights, please contact us online at security purposes, we may ask you to verify your identity (for example, by asking you to provide a written request or otherwise) before processing your request.We refuse to process requests if we have reasonable grounds to believe they are deceptive, unenforceable, or violate the privacy of others.
When you or we assist you in deleting relevant information, due to applicable legal and security technology limitations, we may not be able to immediately remove the corresponding information from the backup system. We will securely store your personal information and limit any further processing of it until the backup can be erased or anonymized.
Before deleting your personal data or canceling your account, please back up and properly keep your account information and other relevant data, as well as the transaction vouchers and bills of your products and services, so as to avoid being unable to enjoy relevant after-sales services or having to pay extra fees.After your personal data is deleted or your account is cancelled, you may no longer be able to use our services, and you may not be able to retrieve any content or information in or related to your account.
After you cancel your account, we will stop providing products or services to you and, upon your request, we will delete your personal information within 15 business days unless otherwise provided by law.
You also have the right to revoke your consent at any time when GENOVA processes your personal data based on your consent, as required by applicable law.However, the revocation of consent will not affect the legality and validity of our processing of your personal data based on your consent prior to the revocation, nor will it affect our processing of your personal data based on other appropriate justifications.

V. Protection of minors’ personal information
GENOVA provides products and services mainly for adults.If you are under the age of 14, you should read these Guidelines with your guardian before using our products and/or services, and ensure that you have obtained the consent of your guardian before using our services and providing us with your information. We will protect minors’ personal information in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.
If your guardian does not consent to your use of our services or provision of information to us in accordance with these Guidelines, please terminate your use of our services immediately and notify us promptly.
We will only use or publicly disclose personal information collected by minors with the consent of their parents or legal guardians if it is permitted by law, expressly agreed by the parents or guardians, or necessary for the protection of minors.
If you are the guardian of a minor, please contact us in time when you have any questions about the use of our services or the user information provided to us by the minor under your custody.We will protect the confidentiality and security of juvenile users’ information in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the provisions of this Guideline.If we find that we have collected personal information of a minor without the prior verifiable consent of a parent or legal guardian, we will try to delete the data as soon as possible.

Ⅵ. How does GENOVA retain and protect your personal data
In principle, personal information collected and generated by us in the People’s Republic of China will be stored in the People’s Republic of China.
GENOVA values the security of personal data.We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy, unless the retention period is extended or permitted by law.The storage life of data may vary according to different scenarios and products and services.
GENOVA shall not be liable for security breaches caused by third parties’ access to your personal information due to your failure to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information.Notwithstanding the above, you should notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account by any other Internet user or any other security breach.Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal information.

Ⅶ. Third-party Providers and their services
To ensure a smooth browsing experience, you may receive content or web links from third parties outside Of GENOVA and its partners (” Third Parties “).GENOVA has no control over such third parties.You can choose whether to access links, content, products and services provided by third parties.
GENOVA has no control over the privacy and data protection policies of third parties and such third parties are not bound by this Policy.Please refer to the privacy policies of these third parties before submitting personal information to them.

Ⅷ. How to contact us?
Address:No. 8 Huixian Second Road, Shuyong, South District, Zhongshan, Guangdong China
For security purposes, you may need to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity.Normally, we will reply within 15 days.If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if our personal information processing behavior damages your legitimate rights and interests, you can also complain or report to the network information, telecommunications, public security and municipal regulatory authorities.
If you consult us, we will provide you with information on relevant avenues of complaint that may be applicable, depending on your situation.

Ⅸ. How to update this policy?
In order to provide you with better services and better user experience, this Agreement may be changed according to business adjustment, laws and regulations or policy changes.If you continue to use any of our services or visit our relevant websites after the privacy Policy is adjusted or changed, we believe that you have fully read, understood and accepted the revised Privacy Agreement and are bound by it.
When we want to use the information for other purposes not specified in this Agreement, we will ask for your consent again in the form of signing the agreement, pop-up prompt, announcement on the site, updating this Agreement, etc.

Update effective date: June 24, 2023